达意小岛-Hong Kong Economic Times Reports: "MBTI Interpersonal Adventure" Addresses Today's Hot Topics!-《香港經濟日報》報導:《MBTI人際冒險》緊貼當下時事話題!-星島日報

Hong Kong Economic Times Reports: "MBTI Interpersonal Adventure" Addresses Today's Hot Topics!

Multiple media outlets report that "MBTI Interpersonal Adventure" Addresses Today's Hot Topics!

Date Media  Link
2024/12/24 Playwhat 【2024年度誠品(香港)閱讀報告】4大書市洞察:形塑香港閱讀者的畫像 
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For example, Hong Kong Economic Times Journal Report: 


Hong Kong readers are increasingly selecting books that reflect current trending topics, notably the popular discourse surrounding the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) in the workplace, as well as the recent successful films like Twilight of the Warriors: Walled In.


Comparing to zodiac signs and blood types, young people nowadays are more inclined to engage in conversations about MBTI types. This trend not only enhances self-awareness but also promotes understanding and respect for individual differences.  For some, MBTI type has even become a part of their CV.


William Lai, an MBTI expert and co-author of MBTI Interpersonal Adventure - How to get along with different personality types when living together?, shared insights on the application of MBTI in the workplace. Currently, the most prevalent MBTI type among workers in Hong Kong is the IP type, where "I" stands for Introversion and "P" for Perception, in contrast to the "E" (Extraversion) and "J" (Judging) types. Lai emphasized that many workers today seek a relatively free workspace and the opportunity to maintain their own work rhythms.


Furthermore, Liora Li, another co-author of MBTI Interpersonal Adventure, has created cartoon characters that represent the 16 MBTI personality types in the book. Through these charming characters and their narratives in the world of Tadaland, she aims to facilitate a deeper understanding of individual traits while encouraging recognition and appreciation of the characteristics of those around us. This initiative seeks to promote connections and communication among individuals, ultimately spreading joy and positive energy throughout society.

达意小岛-Hong Kong Economic Times Reports: "MBTI Interpersonal Adventure" Addresses Today's Hot Topics!-《香港經濟日報》報導:《MBTI人際冒險》緊貼當下時事話題!-星島日報达意小岛-Hong Kong Economic Times Reports: "MBTI Interpersonal Adventure" Addresses Today's Hot Topics!-《香港經濟日報》報導:《MBTI人際冒險》緊貼當下時事話題!-星島日報


达意小岛-MBTI Interpersonal Adventure-MBTI人際冒險

“MBTI Interpersonal Adventure - How to get along with different personality types when living together?”

Author | Lai Wai Hang (William Lai), Li Lo (Liora Li)

Publisher | Ming Pao Publications

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