Tadaland Publishes Book on MBTI: Ming Pao Newspaper Coverage
Hong Kong newspaper Ming Pao first covered Tadaland’s new MBTI (Myers Briggs Type Indicator) picture book on July 3, 2024 (Wednesday) with a section titled 「沒有性格不合只有彼此磨合」(No such thing as incompatibility. Adjust for one other.) which officially announced Tadaland’s fan-meet during the Hong Kong Book Fair 2024.
On 28 July, 2024 (Sunday), Tadaland’s new MBTI book makes an appearance on Sunday Ming Pao in an article titled 「與人相處如同一場無法預測的冒險:16可愛MBTI角色伴你探索性格多樣性」(Interpersonal relationships are like unpredictable adventures: Explore diverse personalities with 16 adorable characters). The article mentions the thoughtful designs of Tadaland’s MBTI characters. Each embodies one of the MBTI 16 personality types using the characteristics of a specifically chosen animal and a type of food. The comic strips and thorough explanations visualize and define each personality type, allowing readers to better understand themselves and others. The book goes into different MBTI pairings and analyses likely challenges, teaching readers how to take concrete actions towards better communication.
MBTI has been utilised by many as a tool to better understand themselves. Many companies even encourage new recruits to complete an MBTI test prior to starting work. Whether its MBTI job recommendations, MBTI love compatibility, or MBTI friendship compatibility, this tool is very often referred to. How much do you know about the strengths and weaknesses of different MBTI types? What is MBTI I vs. E? How about MBTI S vs. N? Learn all this and more in Tadaland’s new book! Let our MBTI specialist and healing characters take you on a deep dive into the nitty-gritty of the MBTI 16 personalities so that you can better build and strengthen your relationships.
Overseas readers can order Tadaland's MBTI books from the following websites:
Ming Pao Online Bookstore
My Book One (一本)
HKTV Mall (Ming Pao Publications)
Logos Bookfinder (基道)
Cosmos Books (天地圖書)